IP Soybean Premium Program
Early Incentive
Additional $0.25 per bushel premium on Silverline 
IP Contracts signed(sign-up deadline to be announced
Silverline  seed available from your local dealer. 
IP Soybean Growers 2025
Are reminded to submit seed tags and field maps to complete your contracts.
Please fill out the attached form and return by mail or email to jlyngrainsoffice@gmail.com
Chemical Spray Record     Field Maps        IP Contract

                           * PLEASE NOTE there are no limits on acreage, bushels/acre or signups!



                        Variety    HU Rating Location  Premium    Characteristics





  J-LYN Grains


SCN resistan Excellent emergence early season vigour, wide adaptabiltiy


Certified only

   2800   J-LYN Grains


Well adapted to all soil types Does well on heavy clay and no till Tall plant with high first pod height


Certified only

   2725   J-LYN Grains $4.50

White mould tolerance; tall plant with good stand-ability; Excellent yield rating





2750 J-LYN Grains $4.00

Top performer at OSAAC trials! Similar maturity to Acora: performs well in all row widths Phytophthora protection




2800 J-LYN Grains $4.50

Tall bushy plant; early canopy; Excellent results on tough ground; Great root disease package; SCN resistant


****Please call Jeff  519-703-0574      

or Carolyn 519-703-0170

     *************J-Lyn Grains commits to match legitimate industry premium levels if released at higher values.****************** 

Mandatory Chemical Record Keeping for IP Soybeans

Attention all IP Soybean Growers!

We must have Chemical records from all IP Soybean Gowers as per our Buyers request.

Please fill out the attached form and return to us as soon as possible. Please note we will be unable to receive your beans if we do not have these records. Thank you in advance for aiding us in this policy.

Please click on the links above Thank you